Thursday, April 2, 2015


Tomorrow marks 38 weeks pregnant for this mama.  It was 38 weeks exactly that my water broke with little Miss "Sesah" as she calls herself.  One can only hope for the same this time around!  I'm unsure why but I have been incredibly... incredibly impatient awaiting the birth of this little one.   It's silly of me really.  There are tons of benefits to her staying inside of me.  She sleeps on her own. She's automatically fed.  She's held.  She's safe.  My body, internally, is taking care of her constantly. Once she's out.... game. changer.

But I'm still anxious, very anxious for labor to begin and to meet our tiny peanut.  She has been measuring on the small side during the last few months.  I have my last growth ultrasound tomorrow at 38 weeks to check her progression.  I'm sure she is just fine.  I can tell my baby bump has grown in the last few weeks, as it should, so I'm not worried at all. Just ready.  Very ready.  

The typical 3rd trimester annoyances have reared their ugly heads just as they did with Selah.  These two pregnancies have been extremely alike by the way.   

I bounce back and forth between wanting to have her NOW and trying to soak in every ounce of this pregnancy as possible.  OUR plans are to have two children.  So... after this... if the Lord allows, we will be finished having children.  However, I know, just know there will come a time when I yearn to be pregnant again... when my heart will ache to have a live human growing inside of me.  So that's where I take a step back, put my hands on belly and just feel her.  Think about her.  Pray for her.

I know how much my heart loves my daughter, Selah.  Right now, it's hard to imagine loving another little human just as much.  Selah has been our whole world these past two years.  How do you make room to love another child just as much?  I have read and heard from others that you just... do.  And it's just as incredible.  I cannot wait to meet our daughter.  And I cannot wait to see Selah be a big sister to her.  She is going to be wonderful and I think seeing my girls together will make my heart swell even more.

35 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks
Literally looks like I swallowed a basketball. Weird.

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