Monday, April 25, 2011

My sweatpants

Do you remember those kids in school who were rarely in school because they were always sick?  Well that kid wasn't me.  I rarely get sick.  But rarely doesn't mean never and I've been hit with a very annoying and long lasting cold with the mother of all coughs. 

I have literally spent 4 days parked on the couch.  I've watched way too much TV and consumed more cough drops than should be allowed.  My diet has consisted of saltine crackers, bread, hot tea, vitamin C and other random food items.

Actually... being sick isn't what this blog is about.  It's actually about two things I don't ever want to give up, as simple or meaningless as they may seem.  Being sick just proved these two points further.

1) I love sweats.  When I come home from work, I typically make a beeline for the bedroom to pull on my beloved sweats.  Yes, of course I like to dress up - I am a woman.  But my sweats have proven to be dependable.  They're soft and comfortable ... every time. And I don't care what I look like in my sweats.

2) I love sugar in my tea.  I've tried to drink tea with little to no sugar.  I don't feel like a true tea connoisseur when I doctor up my tea.  But, darn it, it's just not as good without it, in my opinion.  I love the sugar.  I need the sugar.

And there ya have it.  Get me a new pair of sweats for my birthday and be sure there are sugar packets nearby when we have hot tea and I'll be in a happy place!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Music to my ears

I'm thankful for musical artists and the talents they share with the rest of us.  The lyrics, the beautiful melodies, God uses music to touch you and speak to you in such a way that either brings light to what you don't understand, comfort you in times of need, or express the joy you feel inside.  Why is it the lyrics always seem to hit exactly on point what we're feeling?

Well probably because the artist is.... you ready?... human too!  Just. like. you. and just. like. me.  So naturally, we're going to be experiencing very similar feelings throughout our lives.
Feeling alone, feeling joy, feeling thankful, feeling worshipful, feeling convicted, etc.

This morning, two songs have hit home and I'd like to share them with you because the lyrics very clearly explain my feelings and my prayers over the last months as well as provided comfort and hope.

Meredith Andrews - 'Can Anybody Hear Me?'
Can anybody hear me?
The silence is deafening
Why do You feel so far away?
When I know You’re here with me
But I just need faith to see
Nothing can separate me from Your love

Kristian Stanfill - 'Always'
My foes are many, they rise against me
But I will hold my ground
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm
My help is on the way, my help is on the way

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

Even when God seems so far away and I keep asking, "Can you hear me Lord?", I am reminded by these lyrics that His promises are true and He will come through... always!

Have a listen and be encouraged today.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tim Tams, Nutella and Rooibos

In 2007, I went to South Africa on a missions trip and have vowed to go back a second time at some point in my life. I experienced some new things while I was there and silly me, didn't realize until recently we have all of the following here in the states!  Regardless, I had a lot of fantastic 'firsts' while in South Africa and when I eat them, drink them or use them here at home, it reminds me of that wonderful land.  I'm able to have a piece of South Africa here with me and someday, I hope to return.

Tim Tams - a Tim Tam Slam is a must.  A Tim Tam Slam will knock your socks off with its wonderful, chocolaty goodness.  If you haven't experienced the Tim Tam Slam, you must go to Target this very minute, run through the store,pick up some Tim Tams and ask me how to do the Tim Tam Slam.  
You'll thank me later.

Nutella - a lovely hazlenut spread.  Spread it on a piece of toast and enjoy!  And while you're at Target picking up Tim Tams, grab some Nutella too.

Freshpak South African Rooibos - South Africans serve tea to their guests like Americans serve coffee.  Nothing beats unwinding after a long day of service projects like a hot cup of Freshpak South African Rooibos with sugar in the raw and a bit o' milk.  Delicious.

Satchel - After our luggage was lost in Amsterdam... or Africa.... or over the ocean... who knows where... the airlines gave us money to buy some clothes to hold us over until our luggage arrived.  While at the mall in SA, I came across a satchel.  Still have it.  Still use it.  Still love it.

Pashmina - While shopping, I came across some pashminas.  Everything in SA is extremely inexpensive.  I found these for like $1.50, so I bought lots of different colors!  I wear them all the time!

If you have the chance, go to South Africa!  The people and the land are simply remarkable.  Don't believe me?  Google 'Cape Town, South Africa' and see for yourself :)  And then actually go there - it'll be one of the most amazing things you do in your life.  The people you meet, the things you do, the places you go and the things you see are all breathtaking.

The fridge

About a year ago, I had some extra craftsy materials laying around the apartment.  I used them to make magnets to put on the fridge with verses on them.  Being in and out of the refrigerator multiple times a day, I thought that having a verse literally right in front of my face would help with being encouraged through God's Word.  
Unfortunately, I've come to realize that when I head to the fridge, it's for one thing and one thing only.  I have my eye on that only prize.  Milk for my cereal usually :)  So the verses on the fridge get looked over most of the time.  They have now become the refrigerator.  All I see is 'refrigerator'.

This morning as I ironically opened the fridge to, oh yes, get the milk for my cereal, something wonderful happened.  The refrigerator wasn't just a refrigerator anymore.  It became a mosaic of color and depth with pictures, magnets, Christmas cards, wedding invitations, gym schedule, coupons, and the verses!

My eyes grazed over the verse as I opened the fridge.  I thought to myself  'I should read that verse... I don't even remember what it says..." as I continued to grab the milk with vigor as my Golden Grahams were sitting there, waiting for me, calling out with its mouth-watering honey deliciousness.  I started to walk out of the kitchen... but did a little rock step motion as I looked at the verse on the fridge.

And then it hit me.  
Romans 12:12
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

When I wrote this verse down on the magnet last year, it did not mean at all then what it means now.

I have gone through a particular season over the past year that I do not wish to repeat.  This particular season has been dark and dreary.  I, along with others, have been in a tunnel.  There is no light and we are stumbling over anger, bitterness, sadness, impatience, grief, hopelessness, as we shout out in hoarse, cracked voices "Are you there Lord?  Are you even listening to our cries?  Will you ever answer?"

The short answer is yes, of course.  But the above verse speaks loud and clear to me now after experiencing this season.  Many times, I have cried and poured out my heart to the Lord and shouted to him, "I have no hope God... I don't see the light at the end of this tunnel and I honestly feel we'll never get out."

But the Lord has been growing my hope through this.  I am learning what it means to fully trust that the Lord will take care of us when we cry out to Him, when we have hope, when we are in constant prayer.  When we do all of these things, patience washes over us, because we then believe that the Lord will answer our cries.
I am amazed at the husband the Lord has blessed me with; he has been a huge support as I have trudged through this past year's experience.  He has listened, held me when I cried, prayed for the situation at hand, and I thank the Lord for the beautiful blessing of my husband.  If I am a puzzle, he is the missing puzzle piece. He completes me and he feels what I feel.  And I am honored he has chosen to walk beside me in this season.

Romans 12:12 is on my fridge.  I hope it doesn't become the fridge again as it has become a true reminder of the Lord, yet again, providing in His time.  My hope is in you.