Monday, July 9, 2012

Let the packing begin!

It's for real this time!  We're moving!  And soon :)  No more checking Redfin everyday for new house listings.  No more walk-throughs.  No more pros and cons lists.  We have found our home, finally!  
It has been a year-long process but we're finally weeks away from moving into our home.

This past April we began walk-throughs of homes we were considering.  Ironically enough, the house we're moving into, we actually looked at on during the first batch of walk-through and didn't think twice about it.  To be honest, none of the homes screamed "This is it!  Pick me!" but once the price dropped drastically on one, we thought, "Hmm... we could live there!  Let's take a second look."   

Long story short, we prayed about it, the appropriate doors closed, one door seemed wide open and we felt really good about making an offer.  After all, we were the only ones who had been on a second walk-through.  It seemed good as done.  We made an offer and awaited anxiously to hear back on a counteroffer.    Much to our surprise, a second offer had been made the same day.  Really?!  ... wait... seriously?!  The same day?  There were no other interested buyers on the radar!  I had never felt so nervous.  We thought this was to be our home, we felt led to this home, what in the world was God doing?!  

We were shut out of the offer, our Realtor was given no explanation, they denied our offer and went with the other buyers.  

I was heartbroken.  I was angry.  I felt confused.  I thought we were following God.  I thought the door was open.  It seemed so clear... were we blinded?  Why did it feel like God was misleading us?  What was He trying to teach us?  It took awhile to get over the loss of that home.  

As silly as it sounds, it felt like we had just been broken up with.  We were head over heels in love and then got blindsided by "Oh, wait, I actually don't feel the same way, I love someone else, see ya!"  Ouch.


God knew.  God knew we'd be upset at the loss of that home.  God knew I'd doubt him.  God knew the home he would have for us.  I'll be honest.  I can't tell you how many times I heard the phrase, "God has a plan for you." and I wanted to scream "I KNOW but right now, I just want to feel angry because I AM angry and I AM hurt and I AM confused."

Since then, I've dealt with my anger towards God.  I did feel misled.  Of course that is absurd.  God doesn't mislead... He guides... perhaps in ways or timing we aren't expecting.  The whole time, all He asks is that we trust.  And I failed.  But a learning experience nonetheless.  

We went on about 20 walk-throughs.  We went back for a 2nd visit to 720 Lexington Avenue, a charming home, in a charming neighborhood, in the charming suburb of St. Charles.  Did I mention it was charming?

The price had dropped and our attention perked up.  Remember, we had looked at this house the very first time we went on walk-throughs and we didn't think twice about it?  But when the price dropped... it quickly  peaked our interest.

We looked a 2nd time.  Made a pros/cons list.  Prayed.  We felt good about it.  Great about it!  But nervous at the same time because last time, as you recall, we got burned.  Would the same thing happen this time?  I kept the house at an arm's distance as not to get hurt as badly if the negotiation went sour.  After negotiating back and forth a few times, within 2 days from the time we initially offered, they accepted!  Hallelujah!  Seriously?  For real?  Are you sure?  

July 30: closing date

August 3: last night at 1201 E. Prairie Brook Dr. Apt C2, Williams Reserve Apartments

I cannot even express how excited we are!  We are incredibly thankful and have learned a valuable lesson in trusting that the Lord will lead and guide, even if our original plan was skewed.  God's plans are best.  And God knew all along.  He knew the tears would come, he knew the anger would come, he knew the happiness would come, he knew the trust would be restored.

Praise God.

Let the packing commence and the journey begin!