Thursday, June 30, 2011

College debt picked a fight. We sat on its head.

We made it!  We did it!  It's over!  It's done!  We don't owe a penny to anyone, anything, anywhere!  

We've been 21 months in the making of becoming debt free.  It was yet another love-hate relationship.  But in the end, discipline and commitment won the fight.  Boo yah!

Some of you may think we're crazy for welcoming such a tight budget into our lives.  That's fine.  This is something we decided from the very beginning; we wanted to take care of both our college debt as quickly as possible.  

We weren't the first couple to adopt these tricks and tips.  And we won't be the last.  

1) Develop a budget.  Here's the key.  You have to actually stick to it.
2) You tell your money where to go.  Not the other way around.
3) Discipline. Discipline. Discipline.
4) Furniture hunting?  Hit up Craigslist.  We found a Microfiber couch and loveseat -$275 for both.  A couple was moving to Germany and had a few weeks to sell their stuff.  You'll come across a great find at some point!
5) Decorating your apartment?  DIY projects or better yet - dig through your place.  I guarantee you'll find things you haven't used in awhile.  I happen to find lots of random vases in our closet.  Google some projects on what to do with vases - you'll find a whole new world of ideas.  Use what you already have!
6) Or if you don't have it but need it, utilize your Goodwills, Salvation Armys, garage sales, flea markets.
7) Decide what is an appropriate amount for your own spending money.  Let's face it.  You can't be straight laced the whole time otherwise you will go crazy.  Trust me.  The hate part of the love-hate relationship comes in full force on this one.  Treat yourself to something you love.  Grab a coffee, get a pedicure, a new top, dinner with a friend.  
8) However, we really don't need a ton of material items to begin with.  Be realistic but really... we can live without an overdose on most items. 
9) Once money is gone in a particular part of the budget, it's gone.  No going over.  
10) Believe it or not, Aldi has some great finds for inexpensive groceries.  Don't fall susceptible to the Whole Foods exclusive club - there are many grocery store gems out there that have quality food - you'll still get some bang for your buck.
11) Want to watch a movie?  Guess what?  The library has tons of movies. And oh yes...they're free.
Library is closed?  The next cheapest thing is Redbox - $1 movies.

I could continue but I'll stop.  The main thing is discipline.  I had the urge several times to go out just one more time to Panera.  I had the urge to run out and buy cookie dough to satisfy (although satisfy temporarily) my sugar craving.  I had the urge to buy a Strawberry Frappachino when I met up with a friend.  BUT.  When the money is gone, it's gone.  No going over.  That kind of defeats the whole purpose.

We're proud of this accomplishment and we wouldn't change the way we did things.  Now we are freed up to adjust our budget as we see fit.  
Hold your horses.  Don't worry.  Calm down!  Geesh.  Don't have a heart attack.  We won't go crazy.  Discipline runs through our veins.  Remember me?  Black and white girl?  And I'm married to a Redelman.  We'll be ok ;)

Chicken anyone?

If you're looking for a new recipe to spice up your dinner, literally, I found a new recipe in a Rachael Ray cookbook that I'd love to share!  Again, I'm not a huge fan of chicken.  Yes, I know it's America's go-to meat but I'm quite tired of it.  But this recipe gave the chicken the spicy flavor my poor taste buds had been missing for so long.

Hot Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches
4 servings

4 boneless chicken breasts
Salt and Pepper
Chili Powder
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup hot sauce
Hamburger buns 
Sour cream
Blue cheese crumbles

Defrost the chicken breasts, rub with olive oil and season chicken with salt, pepper, paprika and chili powder.  Cook fully on a skillet.  
While chicken is cooking, melt butter, add hot sauce.
When chicken is cooked all the way through, dip chicken in the bowl of hot sauce mix, coating both sides.

**I turned the heat on low, put the chicken back in the skillet and let it sit in a bit of hot sauce to keep warm and marinade while I made the following sauce to put on the sandwich:

Sour cream
Blue cheese crumbles

**I didn't measure - just guesstimate!  You want to have enough sauce/dressing to slather on the sandwich.  The celery and carrots are for dipping in the same sauce/dressing - yum!

Bon appetite!  We paired the hot buffalo chicken sandwich with a loaded baked potato.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The problem with the gym

Caleb and I have a gym membership at LA Fitness.  It looks classy, you never have to wait for a machine, and we pay an extremely low price for all the gym offers.  However.  *sigh*. Ohhhhh however.  It's such a long drive to even get to the darn gym.  30 minutes one way.

Ok, so I know what you're thinking.  If you live in Canton and are reading this blog, you're thinking, "30 minutes?!  Are you crazy?"  And if you live in Chicago and are reading this blog, you're thinking, "30 minutes?  That's nothing; it takes me roughly that to get to work every day!"

I agree with the latter.  However.  There's the however again.  After already driving well over an hour to and from work each day - driving yet another hour to and from the gym 3 nights a week is not exactly my cup of tea.
If they had an icecream truck there or handed out pieces of candy after I finished my workout, I'd be MUCH more motivated to go.  Even though that very idea defeats the very purpose of the gym.  But that's how I roll.

The funny thing is we have a workout facility right here at our apartment complex.  Or better yet, why not head outside and take a run down the street?  Well here's why.  I don't pay to use the workout facilities here.  I'm not attached to it - I have no motivation to go there.  It's small.  NO ONE is ever in there except for the occasional old man that walks by and peers in.

And running outside?  Forget about it!  It's twice as hard!  I haven't built up enough endurance so I can't last longer than 5 minutes before feeling like my lungs will explode.  No thank you.

Now, I could dig out my 8 lb hand weights from the closet and lift a little while I watch The Voice.  But we all know I'm going to dig though the pantry instead in hopes of finding a tasty treat. 
With the gym, 'X' amount of dollars are deducted from our account every month, my nights are taken up, and it appears that little to no change is happening to me particularly, yet I feel proud for being active.  But without the gym, I sit here on my toosh, watching TV thinking to myself, ohhhh man, I shoooould grab those 8 lb hand weights but I've just worked so hard today - I need to just relax.  And then I swivel myself further back into the couch, pop some tasty treats and channel surf through all the reality shows.

Darn you gym.  We are in a love-hate relationship for sure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In the kitchen part 2

Caleb and I tried this recipe out last night; it was delicious!  And surprisingly quite simple!  I am all for quick dinner recipes as I dread spending hours in the kitchen.  We purchase the big ol' bags of boneless chicken breast at Aldi, it's not exactly 'quality' meat but it's inexpensive and lasts for awhile.  Needless to say, I get quite tired of chicken.  However, this recipe really spiced it up and added lots of wonderful flavors!

Grilled chicken with white peace salsa
2 servings

2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp chili powder or paprika (I used 1/4 tsp of chili powder and the other 1/4 paprika)
1 tsp minced fresh thyme (I used thyme off the spice rack)
1 peach - chopped finely
3 Tbsp red onion - chopped finely
2 Tbsp lime juice (I used 1 lime and squeezed about 3/4 of the lime juice for the salsa and the other 1/4 lime juice I added to our water so it mixed well with the meal).

Combine in bowl olive oil, chili powder, thyme, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper
Thaw chicken and place in a bowl, coating each side.
Grill chicken 

While chicken is on the grill, combine peaches, onion and lime juice together in a bowl.  Spoon salsa on top of the chicken or serve alongside.

Any leftover salsa could probably be eaten with tortilla chips.  We haven't tried it yet but I'm sure it would be tasty!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Year 2

Two years ago today Caleb and I exchanged vows to be husband and wife, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, through the good and the bad.  We stood at the alter all googly eyed for each other and overwhelmed with excitement that we were actually doing this.... we were actually going to tie the knot. Forever.

I think wedding vows are written to be shallowly realistic.  They typically highlight all the godly things your marriage should reflect and purposely leave out the real truths.  Who wants to hear all the real stuff that marriage entails at a beautiful wedding ceremony?  You're in a boat load of trouble if you're standing at the alter thinking you're spouse can do no wrong and that marriage is a walk in the park.  Here's why.  You will be quickly disappointed.
Marriage is a bit more than that and certainly entails plenty of realistic notions you typically wouldn't want to bring up in your vows.  Although, I think we should start spicing up wedding vows and highlight the truths.

1) Men and Women are different as night and day.  You say potato and he says potawto.  Every time.
2) Compromise.  Excuse me?  What?  Yes, compromise.  No matter how silly or serious, compromise comes up in marriage.  Think about it.  You are taking one life and smashing it together with a completely different life.  You will undoubtedly do things differently.  Take a slice of humble pie and compromise or let go entirely.  Don't make mountains out of mole hills.
3) Disagreements and Arguments.  Noooo.  Really?  You argue with the love of your life?  The person you would do anything for?  See #1.
4) Communicate.  You literally have to spell things out.  On both ends.  I, as a woman, tend to read into Caleb's action, tones, words, or lack of, completely different than what he meant.  And ladies, no matter how long you've been married, your husband still doesn't know what you're thinking.  Crossed arms, tight mouth, icy glare will clue him in your angry about something but he will undoubtedly say "Soooo you're mad.... about what?"  You have got to tell him!
5) Expectations.  As hard as it is, try, really try, not to go into your marriage with expectations.  They will be shot down in an instant leaving you feeling disappointed. 
6) Comparison.  Again, this is super, duper, extremely difficult.  Again try, really try, not to compare yourselves to the Jones's.  Don't compare your marriage and don't compare your things (apartment, wedding gifts, decorating styles, etc).  This is a sure way to upset your spouse as well as become a Debbie Downer.  Be content and more so, joyful and thankful for where you are at with each other, since your marriage is all you should worry about.
7) Marriage is work. Wait... what?  Work?!  I work 40+ hours a week already!  I seriously have to work in my marriage too?
If you want a solid marriage, one that is founded in Christ, constantly being cultivated, you've got a lot of constant work to do.  However, that work is extremely gratifying as you will have a much happier marriage that is pleasing to the Lord.

Believe me, there are 101 ways for Satan to slither in and slowly rip apart the holy sanctity of your marriage.  After experiencing each one of the above 7, I know that Satan can and will use each of those.  Be on the lookout for those fiery darts and protect your marriage with everything that you have. 

And now, a quick looksie at what Caleb and I did today to celebrate year 2!

Breakfast at Egg Harbor Cafe in Wheaton
Devotions and prayer at the top of a hill in Danada Forest Preserve in Wheaton

Stopped at Starbucks in downtown Wheaton for Caleb's free birthday drink!  We also walked around downtown Wheaton, sat in the sun at the park and of course stopped at the Popcorn Shop and got our fill of .05 and .10 candies!

After our excursion to Wheaton, we came back to Palatine and played tennis.  We came home and fixed dinner together.  This recipe turned out amazingly well!  I'll be sure to share it!

What is on the docket for the rest of the evening?