Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sugar and spice and everything nice X 2

We are thrilled to be welcoming a second baby girl into our family!  The ultrasound showed normal and healthy growth; praise the Lord!  She appears to have had a growth spurt recently as my baby bump has become more noticeable and she has also been much more active to the point where Caleb can undoubtedly feel her kicks.

We found out the day before Thanksgiving so we'd be able to tell my family in person.  We had announced our pregnancy this way so naturally, I wanted to announce the gender in the same way, using pumpkins.  
You'd think there would be some pumpkins available somewhere the day before Thanksgiving but no.  None.  At all.  I went to 4+ stores and people would ask "Pumpkin....What do you mean?  Canned pumpkin?"  No no.  A pumpkin.  An actual pumpkin.  Like small ones for decorating a table perhaps.  I thought a pumpkin meant pumpkin but I guess it confused people.  Not to mention that Christmas decorations were everywhere which normally I'm all for but in this case, I thought couldn't you just hang on to some fall decorations through Thanksgiving?
I had wanted to paint a small pumpkin pink and write lil' sister on it and have Selah carry it to her grandparents but alas, that planned failed and I had to come up with plan B very quickly because we had T-minus 1 hour before we were leaving town (and we hadn't even packed yet).

I remembered I had some pink straws leftover from Selah's birthday party so I just printed off some pink lips, cut them out and taped them to the pink straws.  It wasn't what I was hoping for but it had to do.  This was taken about 2 minutes before we walked out the door haha  *sigh*  too rushed.  Too rushed I tell you.  But that's another story.

I feel so bad because baby girl is already getting the short end of the stick.  I've barely taken any bump photos (I think I took a picture every week documenting my bump growth with Selah).  I've heard this is how it goes with kids #2, #3 and so on.  And it is proving true.  Sorry kiddo!  I will work really hard to get a baby book done for you!

Here she is at 21 weeks :)

I've been feeling pretty good in comparison to the first trimester.  Just the typical tiredness but I can't complain because I'd much rather be tired than nauseous.  I had strong cravings with Selah but surprisingly nothing strong with this pregnancy.  I guess the one thing(s) I want more often than anything else is milk products (bagels with cream cheese, lots of cream cheese, milk, chocolate milk, chocolate shakes, etc).  
I don't remember the last time I got a good night's sleep.  But I've accepted that it will be like this for year's to come.  
My hips and lower back are starting to feel the strain but overall it's going very well.  I can't believe I'm over half way through this pregnancy already.  

Now that she has made their official announcement, it's safe for me to say my cousin Aimee is pregnant with their first baby and I am SO EXCITED!  We grew up together and were college roommates at TIU; I so wish we lived closer so we could experience pregnancy together.  I'm looking forward to taking a bump picture at Christmas!

Here's to the exciting adventure of raising two girls; we couldn't be more excited and a little scared all at the same time :-)