Saturday, February 4, 2012


Caleb and I had a mini-date night with homemade pizza and a movie.  We neHEver drink pop.  But last night we made an exception as we both were desiring the tingly goodness of good ol' Coke.  There's something very vintage about Coca-Cola that makes it that much more enjoyable to sip on.

As we ate our pizza and sipped on the ever sugary Coke, we popped in the movie 'Courageous'.  We've heard lots of good reviews and thought it was time to watch it.  It was really good and definitely got me thinking.

Being a parent is an incredible responsibility... a responsibility that is a gift as well as a charge to be a godly example.  It really puts Joshua 24:15 in perspective, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." 

It's easy to be a good parent when your little ones obey, tell you they love you and snuggle with you.  But how do you continue to be a good parent in the moment when conflict arises, voices are raised, more time is spent outside the home than in it, laziness creeps in, etc. 
I know the movie 'Courageous' is aimed towards fatherhood but it got my wheels turning as well.  How will I be a good mother to my children?  We don't have children of our own yet but we have been working with 3 year olds at church. Not at all the same, I know.  But hear me out. 
Something I've noticed is quality time and words of affirmation are precious to these 3 year olds and they crave them desperately.  
"Teacher, will you play with me?" 
"Teacher, will you read this book?"  
"Teacher, look at my picture!"  
"Teacher, look at my dress!"

Time spent with our children is crucial.  Time spent being honest and open, time spent asking them what their opinions are, time spent doing their favorite hobby, time spent teaching them about God's truths... I am seeing that this is crucial to building a solid foundation with your children.  

What strength from the Lord it must take to accomplish this crucial responsibility of being a godly parent.  The movie just got me thinking... food for thought this morning.  I know that if and when the Lord decides to bless Caleb and I with gift of children, that we will be seeking out godly advice from people, books, etc and we'll be expecting answers :)  So be prepared :)