Friday, June 13, 2014

A baby, a cupcake, a wagon and a whole lotta love

The pressure to make your child's birthday party an unforgettable extravaganza is out of this world.  The lengths that some parents (ok, probably moms) go to is enough to make a humble homemade tissue-paper decorated party look like we're punishing our child.  And that's exactly what Selah's party was like.  Not the punishment part.  But homemade tissue-paper decorations, oh yes.  And I was darn proud of them.

I am not one to conform to the pressures our society puts on us moms to go to such lengths.  And guess what.  I love my child more than anyone could possibly fathom.  Even if I don't buy her ponies and tiaras and rent out a reception hall.  I may be stubborn in areas that cause tension unnecessarily but when it comes to saying to no to the pressures of society, I have no problem standing on my soap box and wearing a "Just say NO" sticker loud and proud.  

Throwing an elaborate party for your child isn't wrong.  Who's to say what's too elaborate?  If you want to throw your child a grandiose party, more power to you.  However, I know what I consider elaborate.  And what may be innocent party planning at times, but for me, I'm not going to allow myself to be consumed by the competitive and outlandish world of pressure we mother tend to put on ourselves.

So instead of this (which is amazing and gorgeous and I'm sure daughter and mommy both loved every minute of this party) but we're just not that fancy around here.

We had a little party in our backyard with close family and friends who love our daughter and have witnessed her grow over the last year. Some may think even I went over the top for Selah's party.  I know she won't remember it.  But this was a special day and I wanted to make it nice and memorable, even if just for me.  One day, Selah will be able to look at the pictures and watch the videos of her first birthday and she will see how excited we were to celebrate her! After all, it's a big accomplishment to make it through the first year!  We SURVIVED!!!  And we still want to keep her ;-) 

Check out those homemade tissue paper pom poms!  Haha Up close they were definitely not so great but I was happy with how they turned out overall.

Selah and Zeke

Please enjoy the progression of her facial expressions as she tries the cupcake frosting

Selah and Ella

Ella, Selah and Ilona

Getting dressed for her party

Loving her new wagon!

Selah and her Popi

Selah and her Mimi

Selah and her Grammy Bobbi and Grandpa Ray

Selah with her Great Grandma Cris and Great Grandpa George

Two brothers and their girls

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My baby turned 1

Selah Grace has turned 1 year old.  My how time does fly.   I have told Caleb countless times how the first weeks with our newborn feels like last month.  The sweet memories from the night of her birth and the first months with her are still very fresh in my mind.

I had such strong emotions that surrounded her first birthday (May 15).  It's exciting because it's quite unbelievable to witness how much growth and development she has experienced in just 12 short months.  It's such a delight to watch her learn new things.  But there's a part of my heart that still hangs on to those newborn days where she sweetly slept, often times in my arms, and I could just stare at her, taking in her newness.

The days where she would learn to sit up, crawl and take her first steps felt like ages away.  How could this tiny little peanut ever get to that point?!  Well... I blinked and she reached all the points.   Now that she can do all those things, it's hard to imagine her as a newborn.

The past 12 months have been full of challenges, struggles, sleepless nights, crying, laughter, joys, delights, sweet memories, and growth for both Caleb and me.

There were many times I thought I had reached my breaking point.
There were many times I thought she would never stop crying and go to sleep.
There were many times I thought she would never figure out how to nurse.
There were many times I laughed so hard at how funny and silly she was being.
There were many times I felt my heart would burst from the immense love I felt for my daughter.
There were many times I have snuck into her room just to feel warm fuzzies from watching her sleep.

She is our beautiful gift.  We have reached the point where we don't remember what life was like before she existed.  It is our hope and prayer that Selah Grace grows to love Jesus and to follow and serve Him with her whole heart.

Happy first birthday baby girl.  You are loved more than you know.  And now let's go down memory lane and look at photos of Selah Grace over the past year.

1 month old to 12 months old