Monday, August 26, 2013

Fun in the sun

Baby Selah has had two experiences at the pool this summer.  The first was at the pool in Aurora with Jason, Sarah and Ilona.  
Since Selah already doesn't enjoy bath time I was apprehensive about how she'd take to pool water. Unfortunately, it didn't help that the water was frigid.  It also did not help that I just plopped her little feet right in the water. What on earth was I was thinking?!  Of course she hated it!  She immediately began screaming.  Oops!  

After she calmed down, we resorted to dripping water on her legs to get her used to it and then slowly inched her little feet and legs into the water.  We didn't keep her in long since the water was chilly.  

 Ilona loved it!  But Selah was not happy about the water.

 Family time

My beautiful niece hamming it up

It's awesome having an older cousin.  Cute suit and hat to borrow!  

The second experience at the pool was just yesterday.  The Keith's hosted a pool party for our Bible study.  This time it went much smoother.  I learned from my mistake the first time.  Slooowwwwly inch baby into water = less opportunity for frightened child.  
Thankfully, the water was warmer.  We inched her in ... I felt myself tense up, almost holding my breath to see how she'd react.  Phew!  She didn't scream! Instead, she looked completely dazed.  She just stared off into the distance. But at least she didn't scream.

Our little family of 3

Here's to hoping she'll enjoy the water next summer :-)  Happy summer!  

The low down Part deux

To continue the saga of  "All that is Ashley", I've wracked my brain to come up with "fun facts" if you will and the quirks that fill my every day life.

- Yoga, Zumba and the Nike Training App are my go-to's for enjoyable workouts.  

- I do NOT enjoy running.  Not jogging, not running, not long distance, not sprints.  No running. If you want to torture me, make me run.  And if you really want to twist the knife, make me run outside.
- I have a sweet tooth.  I can probably thank my dad for this one.  
- I mix my Laffy Taffy.  I stack banana with strawberry.  Every time.
- Caleb calls me the Time Queen.  9 times out of 10, I'll be able to guess the time within minutes of the actual time.  And this is hours after not looking at a clock.
- I tend to leave projects half completed.
- I do not perform well under pressure.
- I love when Caleb scratches my back and head.  Getting my hair washed at a salon is like heaven in a beauty chair.
- Vacations are my favorite.  Anywhere in the Caribbean is my first choice.
- Although I am not a fan of laying out in the sun.  I sweat like a pig and it's utterly miserable.  Laying out in the sun in one of these is MUCH better.
- Especially now with a baby, I can get ready in under 15 minutes, clothed, hair, make-up and all.
- I make it a goal to pack only 1 bag when going on a trip...  And I succeed every time.
- I am a morning person.
- Andrew Belle is my favorite musical artist.
- I do not enjoy playing sports... of any kind.  I am perfectly content being a supportive spectator.
- I am a huge baby when it comes to cold water.  I grew up with grandparents whose pool water would be in the 80s.  Ohhhhh the good life.
- Crowds generally overwhelm me.
- I admittedly love reality tv shows. 
- My favorite TV show is still Friends.  You would definitely want me on your team if we played Friends trivia.
- I thoroughly enjoyed all of the Harry Potter books.
- I love Disney World and theme parks in general.
- I really enjoy writing (hence the blog).  I find I communicate best through writing.
- Speaking of writing, I used to write plays, movie scripts, and books when I was a kid.
- Speaking of being a kid, I would stay inside from recess to read books.  Introvert much?
- I've been on missions trips to Mexico, South Africa and Zambia.  I would love to go back to South Africa as it's one of the most beautiful places I've been.
- I was in the Miss Illinois Teen USA pageant my sophomore year in high school.
- I played Miss Hannigan in the musical Annie my senior year in high school. LOVED playing this role.
- I like sending and receiving cards.
- I'm terrible about keeping my phone charged.
- I would rather load the dishwasher with dirty dishes than unload the clean ones. Weird, I know.
- I don't like attention.
- Wearing my hair up and/or wearing headbands gives me headaches. Sad day. 

Perhaps you learned a little something!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The low down Part Un

I'm not sure you know me.  I mean, I know that you know me.  But I don't think you KNOW me. Up until a couple years ago, there was a lot that I didn't know or understand about myself.  To be fair, I'm sure it's safe to say that not many of us really knows the other person, no matter if they are a friend, family member or co-worker. It's not common for most people to wear on their sleeves the ins and outs of how they tick.  But if you're willing to "bare all" and share with others what does make you tick, it can sure be insightful and even helpful.

So.  Allow me to talk about myself.  Well really, it's more of an assessment on "Who is Ashley" and "What makes her tick?" which I think is helpful to share with people.  So, get ready for the low down on all that is Ashley.  The 411.  The play by play.

Now... I can be an open book.  But it takes a special situation for me to become just that... an open book.  I think that's a tendency of most introverts.  More on that in a bit.

At my previous job, we took personality/behavioral tendency tests very seriously as it became an important part of our jobs, how we relate to each other and how we can best utilize everyone's strengths.  

Have you heard of the DISC test?  Here's a brief snippet on the 4 personality styles:
D - Decision (director)
I - Interactive (socializer)
S - Stabilizing (relator)
C - Cautious (thinker)

When I took the test last summer, I scored dead even as a high S, C.  What exactly does this mean?  Here are some words used to describe a high S, C person:

S - Patient, predictable, passive, complacent, stable
C - Cautious, perfectionist, systemic, careful, analytical

That means I scored really low as a D, I.  Some words to describe someone who is a low D, I are:

D - Agreeable, mild, conservative
I - Withdrawn, matter-of-fact, reflective

Does any of that sound familiar to you when you think of me?  It's pretty dead on accurate.

I also err on the side of being introverted.  I do need social interaction from time to time.  And I also enjoy really solid, fruitful conversation.  I would feel utterly alone if I didn't spend time with people. However, too much interaction is exhausting and overstimulating; the best way for me to recuperate after a major social event is to curl up in bed with a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie either by myself or with Caleb.  

To you extroverts, that may make your hair stand on end since extroverts tend to need to socialize and are energized by it.  Most of the time, it drains introverts like myself.  If you want to learn more about what constitutes as an introvert or if you're curious if maybe you fall in that category, take a look at this article.  It's super helpful and interesting!

At my previous job, we also took a test on the 7 Dimensions of Value and Motivation.  I scored super high in Aesthetic, Regulatory and Economic. Now, what the heck does that mean?

I could write forever on this.  After all, I have a 71 page report on yours truly that the Senior Vice President of Enrollment Management went over with me last summer.  Yea... I told you we take this seriously.  But to pick through the fluff and to condense paragraph after paragraph, chart after chart, takes a while. Remember... I'm a high C :-)

Anyway, the areas I scored high in through the Value and Motivation test are:

Aesthetic - a drive for balance, harmony and form 
Regulatory - a drive to establish order, routine and structure 
Economic - a drive for economic or practical returns 

Is this new news to you?  It might be!  It was news to me.  Once you learn your strengths, it's extremely helpful as you can 1) better utilize them within your job or any other area in your life and 2) so you can learn what other's strengths are which helps to better understand why they are the way they are which can help alleviate tension.  In other words, it helps to turn being annoyed by the differences into appreciating the differences.

It's easy to be annoyed with someone who is polar opposite of you.  

It's so annoying, she's WAY too detailed...  It's so annoying, he is ALWAYS late...  It's so annoying, it takes her FOREVER to put structure to and verbalize her thoughts.  Spit it out sista!

But here's the thing.  When you start to learn the ins and outs of those behavioral tendencies, it helps to understand that person a little better and to "cut them some slack."  After all, they're just being who they are! Think about it.  If we were all laid back, we'd have a world filled with people who could never get things done.  Or if we were all Type A, we'd have a world filled with go-go-go people and the stress level would be through the roof.

The great thing about us all being so different is that we balance each other out.  Hmm... I think God knew what He was doing when He created us.  Don't you?

Just last week, Caleb and I were talking about the 5 Love Languages.  We took the test when we were engaged but decided maybe it was time to take it again to see if anything has shifted.  On a scale from 1-12, here is how I ranked:

10 Quality Time
9 Physical Touch
5 Acts of Service
3 Words of Affirmation
3 Receiving Gifts

I may be an introvert but I'd much rather spend quality time with a few close friends rather than have small talk with 20 random people (read that above article on introverts!)  Also, some of you may know how I feel about physical touch.  You might be staring at your screen, jaw dropped thinking "Nuh-uh! She does not have physical touch as a top love language!"  You're right.  It ranked high because the test was taken in regards to how I most feel loved when my spouse does this or that.  So with Caleb, yes, physical touch ranks high.  But with others.... you are in my personal space buddy.  Back up.  Step off.  And in the words of Kuzco from The Emperor's New Groove, "No touchy!" Sure I'm over exaggerating just a tad.  My co-workers gave me such a hard time about never wanting to be hugged because SO many of them loved giving and receiving hugs.  And I mean LOVE.  It seemed to them that giving/receiving hugs was like opening a beautifully wrapped gift on Christmas morning that exploded with glitter, unicorns, rainbows and cotton candy. To me, that anticipated awkward hug at the end of a social event with acquaintances would bring on enough anxiety to last a life time.  

The funny this is, I hate taking personality tests.  Want to know why?  It's because I tend to see things black and white.  I hate the gray area. The gray area overwhelms me.  My brain rejects it.  I need things to be either this or that, here or there, all or nothing.  So when I hear the word personality test, a part of me, ok, a huge part of me begins to feel anxiety.  Why freak out? Well, it's because how could these tests possibly be accurate when half the time I feel I could circle all of the options on these tests!  Some days I feel like answer a but tomorrow I could feel like answer b.  

Hmm... I guess this is just another part of who I am... again with the high C.  Remember some of those high C trigger words?  Cautious, perfectionist, systemic, careful, analytical   
None of those adjectives go well with directions that say "select the answer the best describes you."

Did you learn something new about me?  I hope so!  Maybe now things make more sense, they do to me!

Now that I've rambled on A LOT about myself, I will close the "scientific" portion of this post (what the tests say about me).  I'll list a bunch of fun facts and weird quirks about myself in Part Deux.  Maybe you'll learn something about moi you didn't know before!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

3 months young

Ah!  Where have the last 3 months gone?!  It feels like we've barely had a summer.  For one, the weather has been unusually mild (no complaints here!) and two, being a stay-at-home mommy has not allowed for me to get out much. 
Even though my job is now completely different, the rest of the world has continued on as usual.  It's weird to not be "a part of it."  Meaning, I'm no longer a part of the daily rush hour traffic (thank goodness!).  I no longer listen to the radio at the same time of day (I have no idea what's going on in the world!).  I no longer dialogue with co-workers in a professional setting (I now speak fluent baby).  I no longer take lunch breaks (hmm it's 2 pm, I should probably eat something.).  I no longer get the luxury of a daily shower. TMI?  Well, sorry.  That's just how it is nowadays.

All that change (and much more change not even mentioned) for one special little lady who has stolen my heart.  

Selah turned 3 months young today.  

What new milestones has she reached?  Well!  I'm glad you asked.  Of course I'll take this moment to gush about my daughter!

She is a rock star at smiling.  She has pretty smiles.  She has big smiles.  She has shy smiles.  She has squinty eye smiles.  I love all of them.  

She is much more active.  She can entertain herself on her playmat for quite awhile.  She grabs the toys that hang from her playmat.  
She squeals.  She babbles.  She coos.  She kicks her legs like there's no tomorrow. She flaps her arms when she gets excited.  
She wiggles out of her swaddle wrap and sucks on her fists.  She hasn't figured out how to suck her thumb yet.  But I guess the fist will suffice. 
She sleeps 3-4 hours at night before waking up to eat.  She is up to about 3 naps a day but all are much shorter now.  I only get 30-40 min of "free time" during those naps.
She loves to be outside.  We take a walk almost every day.  It instantly calms her down.  She looks all around with big eyes.
She hates baths.  We still have yet to get through bath time without her screaming bloody murder.  No, the water isn't too hot.  No, the water isn't too cold.  Yes, we soothe her, sing to her, act like bath time is the best thing ever.  Nothing works.  
She likes to see us clap.  She likes it when we sing.
We just introduced the Baby Snug chair yesterday and she does well in it!  It seems a good tool to help strengthen her neck and she actually enjoys it since she is NOT a fan of tummy time.

My memory of what life was like before Selah is already fading quickly.  I can't believe how much she's grown already in just 3 short months.  It's mind blowing the change we will eventually see from her 1 week photo to 12 month photo.  Yikes!  But for now, I'm living day by day with her, taking in all her new developments.  Happy 3 months Selah Grace!