Thursday, December 13, 2012

You might be pregnant if...

There are tons of things happening to a woman's body when she becomes pregnant.  It's quite unbelievable really.  Not only is our little nugget changing week-by-week.  But this mama-to-be is experiencing changes too.  Some fun, some weird, some that are just a pain in the behind.

After only 16 weeks of pregnancy thus far, here is a small list of things I've experienced.  Trust me... there are WAY more but I'll keep it PG.

You might be pregnant if:

1) You cry at the Dixie Stampede.

2) You cry at Hallmark movies rather than making fun of them.
3) You cry at every Hallmark commercial that plays during the Hallmark movie.
4) While in conversation, you go to make your conversation contribution when all of a sudden....wait... what on earth was I going to say?!  The words seem to have fallen out of my brain.
5) You walk to the next room to get.... something... wait... what was I going to get?
6) You see an instagram photo of Sour Patch Kids and immediately the world must stop and those Sour Patch Kids must be purchased and inhaled within the next 5 minutes or someone is going to get hurt.
7) You have inch thick indentations in your skin from your.. *ahem*.. brassieres becoming way too tight.  And it's already on its last hook!
8) You wear wrap dresses and maxi skirts to work because your pants don't fit and you haven't been able to find maternity pants that fit well, look nice, and don't cost $80.
9) You start to feel a small hunger pang but think you can wait the 20 minute drive to get home before you eat a bite.  And then 5 minutes later nausea hits you like a sack of potatoes.  What was I thinking?!  In those cases, eat!  Always eat.
10) You practically kill your husband with the poisonous, gaseous smells coming from your body.
and for now, the last one of the day
11) You think often of your next appointment, waiting ever-so-anxiously to hear that most beautiful sound you have ever heard: your baby's heartbeat.