Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This whole moving thing is ca-ra-zy

First off, let me start by saying how incredibly thankful we are to God, our Provider for leading us to a HOME.  Yahoo!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  Space!  No noisy neighbors!  Space!  Kitchen counter!  Yard!  Space!  Yippy!

Second, let me continue by saying how incredibly thankful we are to our friends who selflessly called and texted saying "When do you need help moving?"  They graciously helped pack up the truck and all their cars (when our rental proved to be a size too small, whoopsies!) and then once again, lugged it all into our home.  We will definitely be hosting a thank-you party in the near future.

It was boiling hot when the guys loaded up the truck at our apartment.  I felt so bad for them as sweat dripped off of them!  They were just about finished squeezing everything into the truck when the rain came.  Temperature relief!  But it POURED all the way to house... to the point where I was definitely nervous for Caleb as he was driving this big truck.  But we made it safe and sound :)  

Thanks to Bobbi for cleaning my fridge!  And thanks to Bobbi and Jess for bringing food for those who helped!  So sweet of them!

Now... good grief, who knew this whole moving thing would be so intense!  I can see now why moving is such a pain to people who have experienced it before.

The thing that's getting to us the most is the ever growing to-do list.  Once upon a time, the list was small.  The small list included tasks like changing the locks, mowing the grass, unpacking.   Tra la la.  The end.
A-ha!  No.  We have quickly come to realize that in order to accomplish A.... a whole new list of A1, A2, A3, A4 must be done first.  So, our once small to-do list has grown exponentially and it's beginning to be enough for my little head to explode.  Tra la la indeed. 
Don't worry, I will not bore you with our to-do list.  I grew up in a home where the honey-do list never ended, so I know you all know what I'm talking about.

Where to even start?!  

I ended the first moving day with a nasty headache and proceeded to crawl into bed at 9:30pm completely beat.  The next day we decided to pick one small battle with every intention of beating it: putting our clothes away and setting up the furniture in our bedroom.  We accomplished that goal: Roger Kieffer would be proud (TIU moment folks).

Although we needed a break for lunch!  Thank you to my mother-in-law for the sloppy joes and salad - much needed!

I'll post updates and pics as we continue making progress.  What is on the agenda for this weekend you ask?  Well... hold on to your hats!  Attacking the house, inside and out, with bug spray killer.  No creepy crawler shall pass!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Home sweet home

Well... we did it!  We nervously met our lawyer, nodded our heads at a bunch of mumbo-jumbo lawyer jargon while signing 50 bajillion papers within the contract, and excitedly yet cautiously accepted the key... the key to our home.  
Really?  So, we just take the key and we go?  Yes, you take the key and you go.  We left the lawyer's office and drove to 720 Lexington Avenue, pulled in the driveway and stared up at the house which was now our house.  We felt like a couple of 7 year olds on Christmas morning.

We walked in the house.  It's completely empty of course.  
We laughed.
We danced.
We squealed and jumped up and down.  Ok... I squealed and jumped up and down.
We took a nap on the floor.
We picked up a pizza and ate it in the dining room, sitting on the floor of course.
We are now back in debt.... "debt up to our eyeballs" as my boss would say.

I can't believe it.  It still feels so surreal.  It will be really weird when we go to the house on Saturday with ALL of our things and STAY there.  So many times we have traveled to St. Charles but had to leave to return to our apartment.  But not this Saturday. 

I will post more pictures of the move and all the helping hands but for now, welcome to our home!  

For those who have asked for the address:
720 Lexington Avenue
St. Charles, IL 60174