Monday, May 30, 2011

Prepping for Phase 2 of Marriage 101

We've got down Phase 1 of Marriage 101.  Actually getting married.  Check.  There is much to learn in marriage - a union of two, very different people.  Are we still figuring it out?  You betcha!  And my bet is we will continue to figure it out for awhile.   Just contemplating Phase 2 = STRESS-OR!

However, I am anxious.  I am anxious for the next phase in our lives.  Is it time yet?  It doesn't feel like a big change is upon us.   So it appears I've got some time.  Allow me to catch you up on the things we've been mulling around but figuring out when all of this goes down is the big question. Phase 2 includes a lot... you ready?  Here we go.

1) We've been house hunting.  Not full out house hunting but looking online, driving around St. Charles, checking out neighborhoods, nothing too committed. 
2) WHEN to move - #1 question of the year (in my mind) - Next summer at the earliest.
"Why is this a big deal?" you ask.
3) The #1 answer is that it's currently a buyers market.  Will it stay low over the next year or two?  Should we strike while the iron is hot?  Or can we count on our failing economy to come in handy in a year or two when we'd like to buy?
4) Also, my job is tied to this move.  Roughly a 1.5 hr commute both ways is not exactly my idea of time well spent.
5) Babies.  When?! and What Ifs?! 
6)  Do I work?  Do I stay at home (much preferred).  Is a mortgage, house repairs and a baby, and life in general... is this even do-able with one income?!

And now allow me to say the only thing that makes the most sense.  "Lord, HELP!  I think my head is going to explode."  We're trying to be responsible, plan wisely and take care of finances.  But where do you draw the line of planning too much and not relying and allowing God to carry us through?  Will he not carry out all the details I am fretting about?  Faith... it's tricky when you over-think it.  Lord, give me a child-like faith in this time when all I want to do is "arrive as an adult."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My unnecessary desire for decorative pillows

I admit it.  I love decorative pillows.  
Do I own many?  No.  
Why?  They're over the top, ridiculously, outrageously, ashamedly over priced. (I'm sure I could have thrown one more adverb in there if I thought for another 10 seconds but I think you get the point).

Anyway, despite the cost, I still love them and long to have them on our couches and bed.  They add color, texture, and personality.  I mean look! They're so fun!  Maybe someday...

Green Flounce PillowFloral Button Pillow

The unnecessary desire for wanting decorative pillows of course brought to mind the scene in "Along Came Polly" with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston.  Despite the truth of decorative pillows which you will witness in this video, I still want them.  Darn.  If I go through with it, there goes 2 days a year of my life.