Do you remember those kids in school who were rarely in school because they were always sick? Well that kid wasn't me. I rarely get sick. But rarely doesn't mean never and I've been hit with a very annoying and long lasting cold with the mother of all coughs.
I have literally spent 4 days parked on the couch. I've watched way too much TV and consumed more cough drops than should be allowed. My diet has consisted of saltine crackers, bread, hot tea, vitamin C and other random food items.
Actually... being sick isn't what this blog is about. It's actually about two things I don't ever want to give up, as simple or meaningless as they may seem. Being sick just proved these two points further.
1) I love sweats. When I come home from work, I typically make a beeline for the bedroom to pull on my beloved sweats. Yes, of course I like to dress up - I am a woman. But my sweats have proven to be dependable. They're soft and comfortable ... every time. And I don't care what I look like in my sweats.
2) I love sugar in my tea. I've tried to drink tea with little to no sugar. I don't feel like a true tea connoisseur when I doctor up my tea. But, darn it, it's just not as good without it, in my opinion. I love the sugar. I need the sugar.
And there ya have it. Get me a new pair of sweats for my birthday and be sure there are sugar packets nearby when we have hot tea and I'll be in a happy place!